United States copyright law does not protect architectural works before 1 decembre 1990. In 1990, the Architectural Works Copyright Protection Act amended subsection 102(a) of the US copyright law by adding paragraph (8), "architectural works." A building that was substantially constructed or for which the plans were otherwise published before 1 decembre 1990, is in the public domain in the United States. For images of architectural works in the United States completed on or after 1 decembre 1990, please use {{FoP-US}} on the description pages of the images.
distribuer – a copiar, distribuer e transmisser li labor
remixter – adaptar li ovre
Sub li conditiones quam seque:
atribution – Vu deve dar li credite convenent, provider un catenun por li autorisation, e indicar si changes esset fat.
Vu posse far in qualcunc forme rasonabil, ma ne de forma que suggeste que li autorisator indossa vu o tui usu.
distribuer in conditiones de egal autorisation – Si vu remixter, transformar, o constructer sur li materiale, vu deve distribuer tui contributiones sub li autorisation identic o campatabil quam li original.
Ti file contene information additional, probabilmen adjuntet de li cámera digitale o scandetor usat por crear o digitalizar it. Si li file ha esset redactet de tui statu original, alcun detallies posse ne reflecter completmen li file redactet.